Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Are you in my photo?

I just received notice of a new photo sharing website called "Are you in my photo?" It's at http://areyouinmyphoto.com/The purpose of the website is to allow people to post photos containing unknown people, places or things and have other people identify those unknowns for them. Their theory is that most of the photos we have are not unique; there were multiple copies printed. If the people holding the multiple copies can be connected, there's a much better chance the people (or places or things) in the photos can be identified.
In order to post photos, you have to sign up for either a free or paid account. Paid accounts allow you to enter contests, though I didn't see anything posted about contests yet.
When Dan Lynch spoke here on behalf of HQRL two years ago he encouraged the development of this type of website. It's also something SGS has considereed--posting photos of unknowns and asking for help identifying them. If this site takes off, it could be a real boon to identifying all those unlabeled photos we all have.
Check it out and share your thoughts.

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